There’s still quite a few climbs on my Bay Area bucket list, but today The Bearded One and I were finally able to cross off Mt. Umunhum.
Ride-On: Biking to Bountiful Brentwood
I organized a 40-mile round trip ride out to Brentwood with several Ride-On folks — Bridget, Neil, Pamela and The Bearded One — so we could go pick some fresh tomatoes which are now in season!
Getting High on Highway 1 (and Elsewhere in Marin)
The Bearded One, Daniel, May, Ulrika and myself headed out to Marin for a big counterclockwise loop from the city to Larkspur!
Randonneur Ride Report: El Cerrito to Davis 212k
My quest for the R-12 award continues its steady march forward, and a permanent owned by our dear RBA, Rob Hawks, was next on the agenda. It’s a 132-mile route with approximately 6000 ft. of climbing and takes a circuitous route from El Cerrito in the East Bay to Davis.
Seeking Help Catching An Alleged Bike Thief
My friend MC helped facilitate the arrest of this alleged bike thief today. Here’s the story — feel free to share it as we could use your help tracking down the owners of two missing bikes and furnishing proof that this individual was involved.