Who’s the officer running the new @SFPDBikeTheft Twitter account? Meet Officer Matt Friedman of Park Station.
2013 dfL India Basin
dfL’s 3rd race in their annual cross-dressing cyclocross series.
Randonneur Ride Report: Lucas Valley Populaire 115k
Today the San Francisco Randonneurs hosted the Lucas Valley Populaire, a scenic 70-mile route that loops through Marin.
Randonneur Ride Report: Marin Sonoma Ramble 200k
Although I knew I was going to be in for some pain and suffering riding Sarah’s “Marin Sonoma Ramble” 200k permanent on my road bike with standard gearing, the figure-eight loop would take me to some uncharted territory (and I’m always thrilled by the prospect of traveling to new areas.)
Mt. Umunhum’s Done and Done
There’s still quite a few climbs on my Bay Area bucket list, but today The Bearded One and I were finally able to cross off Mt. Umunhum.