I’m ramping up the miles for the California Central Coast Randonnée 1200k I’ll be riding in August, so I’m trying to squeeze in as many 200k brevets and permanents as I can in one month.
Meet Your Maker Ride: Richmond to San Leandro
Today was the inaugural “Meet Your Maker” ride for 2014 that started off at Paragon Machine Works in Richmond and ended at Drake’s Brewing Company in San Leandro. It was a huge turnout and over 150 folks came out for the event!
Leather Saddles and Me, We’re Just Not Meant To Be (Sort Of)
My saddle saga, which stretched on for months, finally has a happy ending.
Randonneur Ride Report: Healdsburg to Napa 200k
It’s another year, and I have another set of goals to aim for as I hope to ride Paris-Brest-Paris in 2015! After dealing with knee/fit issues with my CX and new randonneur bikes for most of last year — I think I finally have all of that sorted out (a blog post detailing that epic saga will come in the near future.) Continue reading Randonneur Ride Report: Healdsburg to Napa 200k
2013 Chattanooga Holidays
Holidays in Chattanooga, December 2013