As TBO is not too keen on riding distances longer than 200k, I was thrilled when he volunteered to design a populaire-length route and co-lead a team for this year’s SFR Dart. He recruited two non-RUSA friends — Jonathan and his girlfriend Keli — and I invited my rando pal Jorge, who was on my team last year and has ridden 3/4 of the 2014 SFR series (but had to skip the 600k due to knee problems.) Our plan as Team “The Bearded One Express” was to start at the Ferry Building in San Francisco, retrace much of the Lucas Valley Populaire route, but then continue north towards Novato instead of west. Then we’d take Sears Point Road, aka Route 37, across the northernmost part of the bay to Vallejo. After stopping at our 6-hour control in Crockett, we’d then shoot down towards the finish at Pyramid Brewery in Berkeley.
Continue reading Randonneur Ride Report: 2014 San Francisco Randonneurs Dart
2014 Memorial Day Weekend
‘Twas a fun weekend of mellow riding this past Memorial Day holiday weekend!
2014 Davis Double Century
The 45th Annual Davis Double Century is the first double on the California Triple Crown series that I’ve now completed and the second big club-supported ride I’ve ridden in thus far.
Ride-On: Tour of the Unknown Coast Century
Billed as “California’s Toughest Century”, May corralled a big group of us Ride-On folks to ride her favorite annual 100-mile route in California: The Tour of the Unknown Coast.
Randonneur Ride Report: Lake Sonoma 400k
My ongoing quest to finish the Davis Bike Club’s brevet series continued this weekend by riding their Lake Sonoma 400k.