Day One Clothes

I actually started packing a month ahead of time in order to assemble all of the necessities for my drop bags (I didn’t want to forget anything and started a pile in my closet that gradually grew over the passing weeks.) After doing all of the above research and then some — I packed two bags following the rules set by the organizers.

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Every summer, the San Francisco Randonneurs organize a super fun double brevet weekend that begins in San Francisco and heads north out to Cloverdale (riders have their choice of either a 300k or 200k route). After kicking back and relaxing over a catered dinner at the host hotel and tucking away several hours of sleep, folks stretch their tired legs and return to the city the following day on another 200k route. Last year I had done the Cloverdale to SF segment, so I thought I’d ride the other direction this time around and volunteer at the finish.

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