Going on a mixed terrain “Manny Ride” is always an adventure.
2015 Davis Dart
I’ve been wearing a big ol’ pair of lazy pants since PBP, and so all of my weekend rides have been no longer than 65 miles. But since I do love these randonneur team events (they’re my favorite type of brevet!), I was glad to join Team Delta Dawdlers for a mellow jaunt from Alameda to Davis.
Box Dog Bikes Summer Camp: Garin Arroyo Flats
Good times are always had with the fine folks of Box Dog Bikes who organized the last of their annual “summer camp” series this past weekend.
Randonneur Ride Report: SFR Mixed Terrain Populaire
There was much awesome on today’s SFR Mixed Terrain Populaire.
The last time I’d been to Paris was over 10 years ago, when I was a single woman and explored just a sliver of the city on borrowed old step-through bicycle. I consider myself quite lucky that I was able to return this time with my husband and for a very special cycling event.